September 25, 2021

Giving Credit To Apple Card

When Apple Card launched a couple years ago, I was interested but somewhat skeptical. Could Apple really apply its simplicity and elegance to a credit card? Doubtful, and uninterested in interest payments on debt, I ignored it. However, it’s funny how things can change over time; I’m now a happy Apple Card carrying customer.

I think most would agree that consumer credit cards don’t have the most favorable track record; they’re kind of icky. Credit cards statements are hard to read (there’s always fine print), interest payments and fees can really put the hurt on your wallet, and managing debt with an omnipresent FICO score is the kind of fun nobody wants.

Solving these problems seemed impossible, but as I looked into Apple Card, I noticed that somehow Apple made it feasible. Give Apple credit; it was the one that solved the problem in 2007 of bad phones and voicemail service from cell carriers.

From initiation, onboarding, to now using, Apple Card has been as simple and elegant as advertised. The most striking and pleasing thing is Apple wants to help the consumer avoid debt or interest. It does this by presenting a diagram that compares making a minimum payment with a large or full payment, so the user sees the costs or money saved between them. It also includes short descriptions that explain and encourage keeping the balance paid down.

“Built on Simplicity, Transparency and Privacy, and Designed to Help Customers Lead a Healthier Financial Life“


Another rewarding aspect is Apple Card’s instant daily cash back. The percentage varies, but it’s fairly straightforward. I like seeing the amount of daily cash quickly add up and appear on my Apple Cash card; it’s like saving change from the register and filling a jar at home. Before long, I’ll have some extra spending money, which I’ll need for my next Apple purchase of course.

The mantra truly applies to Apple Card, ”It just works.”

There are more details about the card I appreciate, like it being built into the Wallet app and the convenience of Apple Pay in stores via my Apple Watch or online. I also love that purchases are color coded to their types, which makes it easy to see at a glance how I spend my money. As with all Apple products, Apple Card also benefits from the privacy and security that Apple is known for. Suffice to say I’m a delighted Apple Card user.

Not surprisingly, my latest Apple hardware acquisition does include a chip in it: the titanium physical Apple Card. It may be the most simple and elegant piece of Apple hardware and tech I’ve ever owned.

As one who generally eschews consumer credit cards, I admit to really enjoying Apple Card and look forward to building my credit. It’s simple, elegant, and convenient. I recommend it, and I’m not alone. This recent consumer satisfaction reporttells the same story; many people are happy with it.

Do you use Apple Card? Are you thinking about it?

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