June 17, 2019

Blogging Is Thinking Out Loud

Up front, let me say that this post is meta; I’m blogging about blogging. Sometimes when I start to draft a post for my blog, it begins as an essay. It’s like I feel the idea in my head is important enough to warrant something like a formal treatise. But my circumstances often make it difficult to write seriously. And that’s when I step back and remind myself – it’s just a blog.

June 15, 2019

Apple Evolves New Computer Breed - WWDC19

Since Apple’s recent WWDC19 keynote, I’ve processed many web articles, podcasts, and tweets about all the iPad things. And although the idea in my head is still a bit fuzzy, I’m starting to see what looks like a growing distinction, maybe even a division, in iPad.

June 13, 2019

The Instagram Alternative Kickstarted

Last month, I learned about Bokeh. It’s a cool new photo/social media app that promises to be better than Instagram. Started by a passionate developer, Bokeh has been funded on Kickstarter, reaching its initial financial goal. That means we may soon begin to enjoy what Instagram was or should have been!

June 10, 2019

Apple Watch Keeps Eye On Ears - WWDC19

When Apple held their WWDC 2019 keynote last week, I tuned in for news on iPhone and iPad software. But it’s good to take note of all the things Apple is doing because of their ecosystem. Growth in one area affects growth in other areas. So I learned about new features in watchOS. And I’ve never considered owning an Apple Watch until now.

June 8, 2019

Apple Makes iPad More Awesome - WWDC19

This week, you might have heard, was kinda like Christmas for Apple developers and fans. The WWDC19 Keynote overflowed with new and improved features, making splashes all over the tech-plane. I’ve tried to read and watch bits and pieces of the news here and there; it’s too much deluge of delight for this geek.

June 3, 2019

Missing iPad App Beyond Bonkers - WWDC19

Today, Apple did a thing. It was huge, with tons of little things in it. Like, my brain can’t take it all in. And they didn’t do only small things; they did big things. Pretty much, all the things, Apple did them. They called it WWDC19.