December 5, 2018

Reading Books Is Awesome

Lately I’ve been reading a lot of books. It’s sort of becoming a habit. And I think that’s a good thing. I find myself often lying on my bed kicked back with a book in hand, eyes tracing over the words. Even with the kids often grabbing my attention, my brain seems to be on book-lock mode, like a homing missile lasered in on its target. Coffee helps.

After a long Spring and Summer of both slogging and racing through all 7 Harry Potter books for the first time, my reading material has been eclectic. I’ve consumed fiction and non-fiction. And I’ve enjoyed diverse topics: dystopia, control, anxiety, racism, poverty, religion, and depression, to name a few big ones. Now that I think about it, wow, that’s kinda heavy stuff.

You can see on goodreads what I’ve read this year so far. I set a feasible goal of one book per month, which I’ve already beat!

There are many avid readers out there who eat up books faster and easier than I eat up my favorite snack: chips-n-salsa. If you know I eat that about every other night, that’s saying a lot. But for me, my reading habits these days far exceed my lack of long-form literature in the past. I once read about zero books a year for the first few decades of my life. So the bar was pretty low!

Earlier this year I wrote how I felt about reading in general. Basically, I discovered the magic of reading books. And I’m happy to say that my love of reading has only grown stronger over the last few months!

It helps a lot that I got an Amazon gift card for my birthday in October just so I could buy a bunch of kindle books and get some good reading on. (I love my kindle.)

Anyways, this post is not parading how awesome I am when it comes to reading. I’m not awesome! This post is about how awesome reading is when it comes to books.

Now if I can just pass along the habit and joy of reading to my 5 sons, then things will be looking really good. I am trying to wean them off of screens (unless they’re e-Readers) and onto books! So guess what my ideas are for my sons’ Christmas gifts this year?

Books! Lots of books.

Do you love to read books?

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