October 29, 2019

Quest For A Music Service

Raise your hand if you remember iTunes in the era of the iPod and how game changing $0.99 songs a-la-carte were. Nowadays, it’s all about streaming music services. I’ve stood as a hold-out, but the ground is cracking beneath my feet. I think it’s time to move on.

October 26, 2019

First Days Of Facebook

So…last week I re-friended Facebook. I’ve been back on for a few days now. And – surprise – I have some thoughts. Mostly good. [Like.]

October 24, 2019

Final Fantasy VII Remake

I was blown away when I saw that Final Fantasy VII is getting remade after all these years! Why? Because it’s not just a remaster of the same game with enhanced graphics. It’s totally redone in spectacular fashion! So if you will, allow me to geek out and reminisce.

October 22, 2019

Taking Note Of Evernote

Is it possible to geek out about notes? Would that be nerding out instead? Either way, as I like to trek through tech, I look for the best solutions. Many companies offer apps, services, or entire ecosystems. One that is the epitome-of-noteworthy is Evernote.

October 19, 2019

Refriending Facebook

Alright, guess what? Six months after deleting my Facebook, I rejoined. Again. Resist no more; I’m gonna give this relationship another try. And next time I get moody and sour on The Social Network, I’ll deactivate instead of deleting. Because I always return. So why did I cave in once more?

October 17, 2019

My 20,000 NaNoWriMo Goal

Okay, I did something that might be a little bit daunting. I signed up for this year’s NaNoWriMo event in November! It’s official. Also, it is exciting and kind of crazy. But what’s the point of dreams if you never go for’em?

October 15, 2019

Journey To A Journal

If you do a little Googling, you’ll find a lot of sites that cover the benefits of keeping a journal. In sum, journaling’s good! Besides my blog, which is sort of a public journal, I’ve written in a private journal for years. I’ve always used different note-taking apps, and I’ve tried a few dedicated journaling apps. Now I’m trying out one that’s new to me: Journey.

October 14, 2019

One Year Blogging

If you will indulge this self-congratulatory post with me, I’d like to mark a personal milestone in the discipline of blogging. Because as of yesterday, I have now blogged regularly for 12 straight months! I stuck with it and pushed through writing slumps and periods of doubt. So, what’s next?

October 12, 2019

The Social Pressure Is Getting To Me

Alright, I’ve got a bit of a confession. After deleting my Facebook account almost 6 months ago, I started feeling drawn to rejoin. Perish the thought! I’ve already admitted to the cycle I have, like bouncing back and forth in an unhealthy relationship. So I think I need an intervention. Will the cycle ever end?

October 10, 2019

Story Telling Perspective

You know how stories are told from different perspectives: first and third-person. I already knew my favorite view. But a few days ago, I realized more than ever the perspective I prefer when reading books and how hard it is to switch.

October 8, 2019

The Kindle Rekindled

The kindle is back, baby! For months, it was discarded in a drawer like last year’s fashion. My beloved white Paperwhite is the right device for reading. It is the Jedi Master of eBooks. No, better yet, it is the Yoda. Much to read, I still have!

October 5, 2019

Where Dual Screen Tech Shines

Tech devices keep evolving. The latest trend is dual screen folding devices. Samsung released the Galaxy Fold this year, and now Microsoft is heralding their own set of double screen gadgets. But where could this technology best be used?

October 3, 2019

Subscriptions To Escapism

Entertainment abounds. It’s so prolific, you can’t escape from Escapism; it’s everywhere! We unplug so much, we may need to unplug from unplugging. As I considered the options for a monthly subscription service, I was reminded how inundated we are with endless entertainment.

October 1, 2019

About That Blogtober Thing

Okay. So there’s this thing called Blogtober. It helps bloggers push to have a post every. Single. Day. But I don’t plan to do that this year.