February 28, 2019

Humble Blogging Milestone

In this last week of February, I reached a small but welcome marker along the path of blogging. I now have over 100 followers! The good news is less about being in the triple digit club and more about progress in general.

February 23, 2019

Console Wars Review

I just finished reading Console Wars by Blake Harris. It was Sega versus Nintendo all over again. I lived in that war in the 90’s. But now I’ve kind of relived it with more detail than ever.

February 16, 2019

Single Versus Multi Purpose Tech

A Swiss Army knife is known for being this one thing you can stick in your pocket and have all the tools you need at your disposal. Knife? Of course. Scissors? You bet. Toothpick? Radical! But is a multi-purpose device always best?

February 10, 2019

Digital Minimalism Review

Two months ago to the day, I posted thoughts on social media. It was a general look at my social media use at the time and a point of scaling back from Facebook in particular. My conclusion was apt:

February 2, 2019

A Groundhog Tradition

It’s Groundhog Day here in America. Kind of a weird holiday on the calendar when you think about it. But it’s kind of a fun annual event I look forward to.